Tuesday 17 April 2012

Chapter 2 - IT Technicians Fired After Reporting Child Porn

Question to Consider

1. What message is sent to IT workers by the actions of New York Law School and colleague even if unrelated job-performance issues justified their actions in firing Gross and Perry?

        The message of the case of It technicians fired after reporting child porn to IT workers don’t intrusive the belongings of your professor or that is not related to your job.  Do what your professor command you and nothing else. If you discovered something wrong, well, think twice if you will report it or not. Look at the negative side and even the positive side.

2. Since the incident, a number of states have enacted laws that require workers to report immediately any child pornography found while servicing equipment. Most of the laws state that worker who reports such a discovery is immune from any criminal,civil or administrative liability. Failure to report the discovery can result to a fine, imprisonment or both,do you think such laws will encourage reporting? why or why not?

        I think such laws will not encourage reporting because you in yourself you did it for the company your work for but the law look it as a wrong did. For me, I will just don’t mind of what I saw. If I know well my professor I will confess to him of what his doing is wrong and he will at good if he will stop such thing.

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